
Puppet Vision Ministry




Imagine a service where puppets bring the Bible reading as a sketch or blow-up globes of the world fly out from behind the screen or where snowballs pelt the congregation.

All these things have happened during services at Redditch Baptist Church where the puppets have been invited to take part.

Puppet ministry reaches the old and young alike. They can make a person think, feel and understand.

Puppet Vision is an ecumenical group with no age limits between 8-80 years. We have performed at care homes, other churches in the surrounding area and during normal services at RBC.

We have links with OneWayUK, a company who are a Christian puppet retailer. They also run puppet performing training workshops. One of our group has attended Puppet Academy which have run for a week in the summer, learning 6-8 routines and performing them at their conference in October half term.

Some young people from Puppet Academy came and supported us a couple of years ago when we performed at St Stephen’s church at a town event.

We have also performed at their Children’s Light party with UV puppetry.

We also ran a puppet workshop and performed at St Stephen’s for the day that commemorates John Bonham, drummer of Led Zeplin who grew up in Redditch.

We have not managed to meet up so much recently. In lockdown, some of us produced a video.


We intend to create some videos to support our ministry in the near future.


You can check out our YouTube channel here: