

Redditch Baptist Church supports Redditch Foodbank. The Foodbank is open on weekdays between 11.00 am - 2.00 pm. The food bank is located at 24 Church Green East, next to NatWest Bank.

People in need of help can be referred to the foodbank by referral agencies such as Redditch Council, the Housing Options Team, CAB or the Benefits Office. There are a number of other referral agencies in the town. The Foodbank provides short-term emergency help and people are provided with enough food for three days. The food bank also aims to signpost people to other agencies that may be of assistance.

For more information go to

If you would like to make a donation of food, there is a collection box in Tescos Oakenshaw, Redditch. Donations can either be placed in the box at church. Please try to ensure that the food is within date and undamaged. The foodbank is only able to distribute non-perishable foodstuff because of the difficulties storing fresh food.

The items usually needed are Sugar, Tinned and Mashed Potatoes, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned or microwavable Sponge Puddings, Instant Coffee, Long life Fruit Juice, UHT Milk, Tinned meat and fish, and Toiletries such as shower gel, toothpaste, razors, and toilet roll.

If you would like to support the work of the foodbank financially, please contact the foodbank direct at 07847618539 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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